Tag: tramping

20170422 Harman pass – Arthur’s Pass
A week of work in Christchurch, adjacent to a weekend, then taking a leave day or 2… meeting with Anzac day (public holiday on 25 April here) and there we go! Multi day tramp in the Arthur’s Pass area. Taking advice from Daniel once more, even having a late start,…

20170107 Pakituhi Hut – Grand view Mountain – Breast Hill – Wanaka
Second overnight around Wanaka… dropped off the car along the east side of Lake Hāwea, near Gladstone. The track zigzagged straight up in the mountain, then along the ridge. Pretty steep drops on each side, but the view was great to help getting through it! 1000m uphill in less than…

20161229 – Sudden Valley–Arthur’s Pass
Meeting with Jenichka and Daniel in Christchurch, off to Arthur’s Pass area. They are our guides to tramping in the area (and our inspiration for food to take on tramps!). So, suddenly (got it? in Sudden valley?) we were off to a one overnight camp. A bit more than an…

20171229 Queen Charlotte Track–Marlborough Sounds
The track starts from Ship Cove, the north/east end of the track, also the start of the TA (Te Araroa trail, across the country) for the South Island part. Official information about this track: https://www.teararoa.org.nz/nelsonmarlborough/ http://www.qctrack.co.nz/the-track-surrounds/ Day 1 – Ship Cove to Camp Bay On this 29 December 2017, a…