After this good but short night (I woke up at 4:00am, thinking it was 8:00 am because it was already really bright outside with the sunrise) we left again.
We drove along the east swedish coast, with a really nice landscape! The roads are nice, even if flat, there are some speed cameras everywhere, it is exhausting to drive like that!
We stopped in a really nice place for lunch, near Emsford.

Then, we arrived in Uppsala at the end of the day and met Lucie and Olivier in their new flat!
We went around Uppsala, we drove to a lake for a barbecue and swimming, and we went wild camping near the lake Övre Hedesundafjärden.

After a few days, it was time to leave again… We said good bye to our Swedish hosts and headed to Stockholm, the city on islands!
Mais alors on voulait voir Lucie et Olivier, nous aussi !!!
Limitations de vitesse pour ne pas percuter un élan ou un chat ???
Ce paysage nordique est vraiment vraiment vraiment captivant -non, je n’ai pas dit “envoûtant” !- ; ‘y a plus qu’à’ prévoir une escapade, n’est-ce-pas ?mais en attendant on se met en appétit avec tes si belles photos. Belle continuation
Bah vi y a plus qu’à venir 🙂
Commentaire pour la forme : préférez le texte d’origine à sa traduction, c’est loin de mon style ! Salut et bises à tous