A few months ago, my friend Lucie (from Sweden) told me: “We (She, her husband and baby girl) are going to Prague in September, do you wanna join?” What could I answer to that??
So we made it for a little week, to hang around in the city of Prague.
At first, there was an amazing weather, because summer actually started at this moment! Nice and warm…
I organized to couchsurf the first 2 nights and met with Dominika, leaving in a nice flat on the 17th floor (and last) of a building.
I started quite early to walk around Prague, discovering the old buildings, the paved streets… and not understanding anything from the conversations of the people around me.
I got pretty easily around Prague with the buses and subway and tramways… I am usually scared and not really comfortable with public transportation abroad. But it was easy and not too crowded!
So I have been walking around seeing the Old Town square, The astronomical clock, the churches, venceslas square, Charles bridge, the castle, different opera houses, theaters, ballet houses, museums, monastry, cathedrale… so many different buildings that you forget where you are, what you are looking at… In 5 days, I spent most of my time walking around, just to look at the places. I did not have time to enter many buildings or museums to visit and learn more about the different places.
We have been drinking and eating pretty well everywhere! Of course some of the meals where typical Czech food!

When passing in from of Loreta, it approached noon when the bells started ringing!! It was way better than the astronomical clock…

Everybody that wants to see something really impressive in Prague, it’s easy = wake up at 5:30 am and go to the city, wait for the sunrise, and walk on the Charles bridge, and back… then walking the way up to the castle, the cathedral… enjoying the fact that nobody is there and it is nice and quiet! So I managed to motivate Lucie and Sophie (who is now expatriated in Prague for a while) and we had a nice time!

I made it for the first time in my life in a real Opera! The estate theater is the place where Don Giovanni has been played for the first time in 1787. And it is then what we went to see…in the same building! This was a really nice experience, and the 3 hours were gone pretty fast!

We also had a chance with Lucie to get in the Rudolfinum, building known internationaly for its amazing acoustic, for a concert of the Czech Philarmonic Orchestra, during the Dvořák festival. In 1896, Dvořák conducted the Czech Philharmonic in this hall in its first ever concert.

And that was already over, 5 days in Prague are too short!
Près de trois ans après ton séjour, je “découvre” ton circuit pragois… en effet, tu n’as pas eu le temps de t’arrêter… mais pour le lecteur (et auditeur), c’est complet, et met juste en appétit !
Ah bah il serait temps!!