We went to stockholm in the morning, found our hotel and left the car at the car park.
Sadly, it was raining. Not just a little bit, but big drops of water 🙁
We decided anyway to go to the city, to have a look at the changing of the guard at the castle (that happens everyday at 12:15!
We arrived at the same time that the new / freshs / wet guards and followed them to the castle courtyard.
That was crowded. Even with the rain, tourists are here… then there was a long show, music from the royal band…
And after a while we decided to move away because we were wet and cold.

So we walked straight to the Vasa museum to find a dry place to stay for a little while. The museum was of course crowded. Everybody had the same idea… We spend 3 hours inside hoping the rain would stop.
Vasa is a warship that sank on her maiden trip just outside of Stockholm in 1628.
Basically the ship was not balanced enough (too narrow and not heavy enough to make it more simple – my brother might say that it is way more complicated 😉 ) and when they were outside of Stockholm (about 1,5 km away), with the wind, Vasa heeled too much and sank because water came into the gunports.
She was salvaged in 1961, they built a museum around it and try to preserve the ship.
To know more about it : it’s here.

Then the rain stop, eventually. We went through the old city and to the southern island to had an overview above the city.

We headed up to our hotel for a short night because in the early morning we went on this big big boat (that was fortunately well balanced and didn’t sink outside of Stockholm).

The trip was beautiful, the cabin was nice, but it was a little bit long… The boat had everything to spend 11 hours… night club, bars, pubs, saloon, a stage, shops for food,clothes, dutyfree shop, restaurants…

And then, outside…

So we drove from Turku to Rauma, where I got the key of my new flat and where I am ready to spend a little while, because I got a job again on the construction site of the EPR (European Pressure Reactor) in Olkiluoto. Working for an other german company this time… maybe at some point I will learn German…
Here is my new flat :

Here is my new home!
You are welcome to come and visit me when ever you want, my couch is big enough to sleep in, I have 2 beds in my bedroom, a camping mattress, and a lot of room!
Alors, dans l’ordre, je rétablis l’épaule, puis je prends rang pour un séjour hivernal, d’accord ? Merci pour la visite de “Stockolm in and after the rain” ! Bisous
duty free, j’ai bien entendu? j’aime bien quand tu passes par un duty free et que tu penses à moi. Mais là, avant que la livraison soit possible, va falloir être patiente…Tu as rempli le frigo avec autre chose que de la bière, j’espère? sympa, ton appartement, il était déjà tout meublé? tu es bien installée, il y a des rideaux aux fenêtres bien occultants? tu sais, pour bien dormir après avoir vidé ton frigo..
ouais c’est sur… et j’ai regardé, c’était beaucoup plus cher que la dernière fois…
Oui, tout meublé, c’est cool 🙂
pour bien dormir ça va, une fois le frigo vidé 😉
sinon,j’attendrais l’hiver pour dormir!!!
Welcome back! I thought you were just driving here for a visit, didn’t know you were working on site again. Hope to see you soon!
Thanks! Yes I am back 🙂 Of course we will meet for a coffee or so 😉 I met Stephen on site late week, he looked surprised 😉 See you soon!
> too wide and not heavy enough to make it more simple – my brother might say that it is way more complicated
c’est pas plus compliqué, c’est le contraire : un bateau léger et large est justement difficile à faire gîter (cf. catamaran ou bateau du Vendée Globe). Au contraire, le Vasa n’était pas assez large et il n’avait pas assez de lest (poids au fond du bateau, dans la quille) par rapport au poids qu’il avait dans les hauts (gréement, ponts multiples, château arrière très haut). Du coup il a un peu trop gîté et s’est rempli par les sabords et l’architecte a probablement du finir sa vie dans une cabane en Laponie.
Sinon je te plains, quelques canettes de bière pour plusieurs mois, ça va pas être facile …
oui c’est bien ce que je voulais dire mais j’ai pensé les mauvais mots en anglais… donc not wide enough and not heavy enough at the bottom 🙂
je sais po pour l’architecte…mais surement!!!
Oui mais j’ai pas tout pris en photo 🙂 alors j’ai des réserves!!