Hola !
My Spanish is getting a little bit better… I am able to understand a lot more, and making few sentences when I need to talk 🙂
I tried the pisco sour, which is a drink made from pisco (alcohol from Perú/Chile), lemon and white of eggs. It was good, interesting and better taste than piscola (pisco with coke) !
Something like 2 hours later, I felt sick, thinking of a food poisoning which forced me to leave the party we went to half an hour after the beginning :-/ That was a bad start for me to meet people…
But anyway, I felt better the day after, we spend the week end doing NOTHING because of the rain… except eating a great chili con carne that Alex made, with everybody at home. It was a nice dinner !
So, I went back to school every day for my Spanish classes… and met new people there !
On Monday and Wednesday, I tried yoga, and joined classes in Spanish only ! it was interesting, because I could only understand “mano” and “piés” which means hand and feet :-/ so I had to look around all the time, and as I am a beginner in yoga, I had no idea about the movements I was supposed to perform !
On Wednesday we had a “German dinner”: The Germans living in the house and 2 guests cooked for everybody. It was a really nice meal with a lot of food ! Knödel with mushroom sauce , currywurst and for dessert Kaiserschmarn (some kind of huge pancakes with sultanas) !
On Thursday, we experimented the first “temblor” or earthquake in Santiago… 5,7 ! It sounds heaps for Europeans, and the feeling of the shake is really strong, but it is kind of usual for here. We were sitting on a fountain, waiting for friends, when it started shaking. Not more than 15 seconds, but everybody stood up from the restaurants terraces and went away from the buildings. It was a bit impressive, still… but nothing happens here with earthquakes, all the buildings are safe, and they resisted 2 years ago to the big earthquake (8 on the Richter scale).
We also went to Cerro San Cristobal, which is THE hill in the middle of Santiago, where we are supposed to have a great view of the Cordilleras de los Andes! Above the smog, we can see the shape of the mountains. We spent a bit of time on the top, under the statue of the virgin, with Frenchs, Germans and Braziliens people 🙂
And we had a chance to try the famous Mote con huesillos, which is an ice-tea on wheat and with half of peaches inside. It is way too sweet !!!

To practice a little bit of Spanish, to use properly the Monday 15th which is a public holiday day in Chile, and to get a week off without Spanish lessons (yea, going back to school after 6 years, it is pretty hard!!), we (Alex and I) decided to go to Mendoza, in Argentina. We wanted to go with 2 friends of Alex, but they couldn’t make it 🙁
The plan is to discover a little bit of Argentina in one week, and we will be back to Santiago on Sunday 21st of October, back to Uni for Alex and back to Spanish classes for me!