After my first entire week at work, on Friday, we went out. Before that, just to be sure we would be brave enough to walk to the center in the night and cold, we drank a little bit of some specialities : The Salmiakki (the liquorice / vodka), the Minttu (Mint shot) and some other beers, wines…
And we had a home made pizza with cold smoked reindeer on the top !
We went out around 11pm, it was really nice to see the frozen river by night !

And we ended at the Domino’s, to go to a concert of a very famous finnish woman singer… mainly for teenagers, but sone songs were in fact quite nice ! Like the teenage girls who have been dumped few times and want to think they are strong… That was really funny and interesting to see all these girls (and boys sometimes, why not !!) singing all the lyrics of all the songs… we had fun !
That was just a bit suprising to see how many people were totally drunk in the pub… it looks like it is usual here… but people sleeping on the tables, some can’t walk staight, one guy even told me that he loved my nose… ! But it looks like everything is quiet even if heaps of people are wasted…
The Saturday, Sanna drove us (We were 5 people) to her summer cottage, about one hour south of Rauma, in the middle of nowhere, just next to the sea… and a sauna that we warmed up with wood ! The heat is really different, it is not dry like an electric one, it was great ! We planned to go outside and draw some snow angels after the sauna, but none of us has been brave enough !!! Next time maybe…

We had a great meal, Sanna cooked for some elk meat, it was really good ! It was one from one of her “hunting friends”, that was great !

Christina played a bit of piano, awesome !!! and well known music !! if you want to see it go on the picasa album !!!
On sunday, a small walk around , unfortunately we couldn’t go and walk on the sea, it was too warm (around zero degrees).

I found some alcohol from france… Hey Grenoble !! Here you are in the shops 😉

My room had a bit of change… firsty, I got a desk and a bed side table… better than a microwave box !
And now we bought a bigger bed and a matress, but unfortunately, the slats are not sold with, and it wasn’t written in Ikea… too bad, so I can’t use my bed for now… matress on the ground ! I ordered the slats on internet, as Ikea is 100km away from home we won’t go back there… and that’s the only place i can find the right size of slats !

You might know a bit more about my job next time… I am still learning, watching… and, if you are wise, you might even have a picture of me to see how good I look when I am working on site…
Oh and by the way, the gifts for the winners of my games are sent ! be ready… check your mail boxes…wait maybe one week !! (or more for the winner from the other side of the earth…)
I love your nose to, you don’t have to be drunk to think of it that way 😉
Good story! Is the bed ficksed yet? I’ll hear about my job next week so than I can let you know a little bit more!!
Love ya,
Thank you so much Suzan, very kind 😉 The bed is like that since yesterday, and will stay like that till I receive the slats !! Love ya, see ya soon I hope ! XXX
eh bien je vois que le moral des troupes est bon, si on juge son niveau à la quantité de boissons sulfureuses absorbée. Enfin, le principal, c’est qu’il vous soit resté un peu de clarté dans la tête pour retrouver votre chemin. Et puis, il a raison, le jeune homme, tu es jolie tout plein.
🙂 Euh, mais qui a dit qu’il était jeune ??
Bonjour Froginette.
Ne bois pas trop de Chartreuse Verte, c’est très forte. 🙂 T’as aimée la Sauna veritable?
Je te souhaite un bon dimanche.
ben, tu n’as pas dit qu’il n’y avait que des jeunes plus jeunes que toi dans cet endroit de perdition?
Ah oui principalement des jeunes adolescentes mais sinon ici les gens de tous les ages sortent quand meme !! Celui là avait une 50aine bien passée…
Ah oui, tu as raison, c’est vraiment un pas jeune celui-là , 50 ans c’est pas jeune du tout, insiste encore un peu et je vais aller me mettre dans un placard…
rooo ca va, tu sais bien que c’est tjs la moitié de mon age 😉 mais non t’es pas vieille !!!