As my job ended on the crazy construction site at the end of May,, I traveled back from Finland to France. it was an experience, for sure! Starting with a 28 hours long ferry trip…

Then, with the driving through takataka takatakatak (…) takatak Germany at night, getting in traffic jams at 1:00AM in the middle of nowhere in Germany when there is an “umleitung” (detour) from the highway to some lost roads and a stuck GPS saying “turn around – turn around – turn around” until it gets so hot that it completely shut down… then back on the highway with so many trucks that it is impossible to drive on the right lane, and so many delivery vans that it is impossible to stay on the left lane… :-/ It was an exhausting trip.

Until Mannheim, where I stopped for a few hours of sleep, and then Alex drove… we ended up in some traffic jams again but this time it was middle of the day and about 30 degrees… the car doesn’t like that!! We finished the trip with heavy rain to welcome us in France the 4th of June!

I had 10 days before I started working again (back to where I worked a year earlier, near Bonneville).
The summer plan was to go hiking a little around Haute-Savoie. Well, before summer weather ended up being like autumn… But I managed to see a bit anyway! You will discover it soon…
Bon voyage!