Thanks to the few players I had!
Here you are, with the answers and the winner(s):
1- How many kilometers did we drive? 7679 km – Tomtom et Clairette are the closest with 6297… but not that close!
2- How long (in days) was our trip? 38 days – We left on the 19th of January and came back on the 25th of February, MamOdile you cheated, you are not allowed to do multiple answers!
3- How much money did we spend for food? (it includes going out to restaurants and groceries shopping) $645,06 – Yes, not that much! (about $8,5 or 6€ per person per day) MamOdile you are the closest with $800.
4- How many liters of petrol did we use in the car? 724,02 Liters – Claire you are not far with 700!
5- How many times did we fill up at petrol stations? 19 stops – I do think that Tomtom and Clairette had the record of our fuel consumption from our booklet in the car that is staying with them… so they got it right… YEs of course Jean-Claude, it depends of the size of the tank…
6- How many French hitch-hikers did we take with us? and German? 3 Frenches (but one that we took 2 different days)/ 4 Germans – No winner for this Question, you are all too far away! (Tomtom et Clairette said 0 Frenches, 5 Germans… which is close for Germans)
7- How many rolls of toilet paper did we use? (knowing that our toilet paper was used for tissues, paper towels, rags and toilet paper…) 8 rolls – Not it was not the same stupid toilet paper than at home, it was better! Claire is the closest even though it is still double!
8- How many showers did we have? (cold/hot) 1 cold and 6 warm – Who thought we would be clean?? MamOdile was the most realistic… Yes, it’s disgusting… But this did not include the quick dips in the cold rivers, lakes or ocean..
9- How many gas canisters did we use for cooking? 2,5 canisters – Everybody wins or loses with 2 or 3!
10- How many pictures and videos did we take? 2368 files – Everybody is far far from that! And yes, it is WAY too much to sort out… even if Claire got the closest with 1500
11- How many insect repellent tubes did we use? 2 tubes – it is way less than I thought! No I don’t count the water repellent spray… so almost all of you got this one right.
Now I do have a problem… How do I define a winner? Well, as I want to thank all the participants:
- The exact answer = Tomtom et Clairette with the 19 stops for fueling up even though I think they used the booklet of the car…
- The closest answer = Claire for the amount of petrol we used
- The answer that does not answer the question = Jean-Claude,for the length of our trip and for the fueling up stops!
- The answer I liked the most = MamOdile for the food spending, it was the most realistic
Thank you for taking a bit of your time to follow my adventures! You will see in a bit what are the prices!

Hé mé non j’ai pas regardé le fichier des pleins, sinon je suppose que j’aurais pu être encore plus proche pour les kilomètres. J’ai pas pensé à ça, j’ai répondu pas mal au pif un soir juste comme ça, et Tomtom n’a pas voulu m’aider (parce qui lui, sans doute, il aurait pensé à aller chercher le fichier de suivi de la voiture).
Sinon merci Claire d’avoir participé, en lisant ce post j’ai cru que j’avais quasiment tout bon vu que je prenais pour moi les “Tomtom et Clairette ont gagné” et les “Bravo Claire” :o)
Gros bisous et profitez bien du pays des kangourous et autres bêtes venimeuses
Bon d’accord d’accord pas de triche! Merci et bien vu alors, prix mérité! Enfin tu verras bien… Pas encore vu de bêbêtes venimeuses, mais des grosses araignées velues oui, quelques kangourous et un koala!
Eh, ho, moi aussi j’ai fait quelques pas trop mauvaises approximations: il faut quand même que vous réalisiez qu’il y a deux Clairettes dans cette double aventure Schnaps et Froginette, la deuxième n’étant que spectatrice. Enfin, j’espère que c’était bien de moi dont tu parlais, Froginette, parce que sinon, je me fais toute petite…Et dis, qu’est ce qu’on gagne? parce que c’est quand même le nerf de la guerre, l’appât du gain.
Ben oui, quoi, j’essaie de suivre, moi aussi, du fin fond du vieux continent: j’fais c’que j’peux!Je suis effectivement la deuxième Clairette de cette double aventure Schnaps/Froginette mais je suis dans le rôle de la spectatrice attentive…Bon, comme le nerf de la guerre, c’est quand même l’appât du gain, je veux savoir, moi!
Et ben oui, et tu suis très bien ma tata chérie… merci de me lire régulièrement!et puis la récompense… ben tu verras quand tu l’auras! hihi…