It has been almost 2 months since I moved to Finland. And of course, my life is really busy, to work, to catch up with my friends here, to go to the beach in the evening…

Then, now that September is here, the weather is colder (we already have nights with 4 degrees…), and summer is officially over!
First of all, after my first week here in Rauma, I bought a bicycle. Which was a funny story because as I could not find any used bike, I went to the supermarket to buy a new one: I talked with the salesgirl, I told her I did not really feel like spending 200 euros in a bicycle. Then and ended up going to her place in the evening to buy her old bicycle for 20 euros! That was a really good deal for her and for me but not for the supermarket…
Here is my new finnish bike , with a back wheel not round but 5 gears!!
I drove once about 20 km with it, when I brought my car to change the windscreen 20 km south of Rauma… I was pretty exhausted in the end!
So, my car has a new windscreen, and it feels great because I can actually see something in the morning when I drive against the sunrise!
I had to drive a few times at night, to go to and come back from the airport in Turku, and it is actually funny to see how dark is the night: it is so dark that you can keep the full beam lights on almost until the last moment before passing the other cars… ok it does not work for trucks that have their lights really strong and everywhere around the front of the vehicle… I end up blind everytime with trucks. But I heard it will get even more impressive later in the fall, because the nights will be darker and longer…
I had one week end out of Rauma, for the wedding of my best friend Lucie and my friend Olivier from highschool. I went back to Annecy for 3 days of non-stop wedding activities! Congratulations to the newlyweds!! You are beautiful!

The last week end of August, this is on the coast the end of the boat season / the end of summer. There are big parties organised in some places / beaches.
With some friends, we rented a cottage in Kalajoki, not far from the beach, had a nice time (swimming, sunset watching, eating local grilled fish, seeing the first rubber boots throwing competition, sauna…) and really nice fireworks!

A few view of my way to work in the morning, through the woods because I don’t like taking the big busy main road (as long as there is no snow everywhere!).

Merci pour les news ! Vous Ă©tiez superbes toutes les 3 pour le mariage. Tu passeras toutes nos fĂ©licitations aux jeunes mariĂ©s. On t’embrasse AgnĂšs. VĂ©ro and the family
Merci!! Oui c’est pas souvent les news… mais voilĂ au moins pour la rentrĂ©e đ
Bisous Ă toute la famille đ
Et nous revoilĂ par lĂ -haut… je te souhaite un automne du presque grand Nord tout de mĂȘme bien doux, en couleurs, dans les forĂȘts et dans le ciel, et… en tempĂ©rature, tout de mĂȘme !
Bonne(s) route(s), Ă vĂ©lo Ă roue ovale ou en voiture fidĂšle, et Bisous pour tout ; c’est vrai que vous ĂȘtes bien jolies, la triplette…
Vi vi l’automne avec toutes ses couleurs va arriver aussi…
Hier nous sommes venus bien au-delĂ du cercle arctique (Parc national de Pallas-YllĂ€stunturi) et dans ma bagnole nous avons eu 19,5 Âș C / 67,1 Âș F. Pas mal!
Je vous souhaite une excellente journée.
Profite bien de la fin de l’Ă©tĂ©… avant la longue nuit qui va arriver vite.
Plus que quelques semaines de vélo avant de chausser les skis.
Grosses bises.
Oui merci! Enfin, moi ça restera le vĂ©lo, peut ĂȘtre avec des pneus clous đ