When I left France in January after Christmas holiday, it was really nice… not a lot of snow, but nice weather and snow in the mountains. What we did not have at all in Finland until then.
Well, snow and cold eventually decided to arrive in Rauma… we got -20 degrees and a little amount of snow/frost everywhere for 2 weeks.

In Rauma, surprise, the foot paths are clear of snow… not the street, but the pedestrian paths! Well, I thought it was nice for people who don’t wear spikes under their shoes… until I realized that the streets are warmed up!
If this isn’t a waste of energy… and if I hear any Finnish person telling me anything about global warming, I think I have material to answer…
Then, as a duty of living like Finns, I went to the sauna in Lappi with the ice hole again! Which was a really nice time.

To enjoy a little the snow / ice, I wanted to do walk to the small islands around Rauma, on the ice. But as the cold hasn’t been on for more than 10 days, I wasn’t really sure about the ice layer, and did not want to end up in a hole (without sauna first it would be too cold). So I just walked along the beach.

Then, spring started pretty early. Kind of… I went for walks around the small lakes, where it was sunny and warm (0 degrees is warm in February and March). The ice was already melting a lot.

The first of April, we got a funny prank…well, not that funny… -8 degrees again, and small snow storm…

Around Easter, the weather started to really look like spring. The days got seriously longer, the sun was really warming up… Finns say that now winter is over and there won’t be snow anymore! So here it is, time to seriously start swimming and not only dipping in Lappi sauna, time for strolls at Yyteri beach…

When beginning of May, suprise again: SNOW!

These were the last days that I saw snow in Finland. Finally! Even though it was a weird winter because we did not have the usual temperatures and a lot of snow, it was long enough… and playing between winter and spring for 5 months is enough!
End of May, we really enjoyed spending some time outside, the days are really longer (sunrise around 04:30 in the morning).
We went playing freezbee and swimming in a lake near Laitila, sun bathing, having a stroll between windmills…

I also had a chance to see an ice hockey game in the VIP lounge (with food buffet and drinks)
One day I also decided to cut my hair… which took me a few days then to adjust it properly but it worked (I think).

Eventually, it was time to organize the end of my time in Finland again, as my work contract was ending end of May. I used this opportunity to celebrate my 25th birthday as well (and the 25th +1 etc…).
The party had an aim: finishing all the bottles I had bought during the year…which was a lot!
I tell you before you react on that: we did not finish anything… I gave away some and I am going back home with a lot as well!

But I will come back end of July for a week end, because these 2 are getting married and I wanna be part of it!

Now it is time to pack, clean up and get ready for a new road trip, back to France!
Thanks for all the cards I got during my stay here!

Leaving Rauma on the 2nd of June ; arrival scheduled for the 4th of June evening to France.
Goodluck for tomorrow, last bit of the trip! Xx