For the one and only completely clear day for a few weeks, while Alex was visiting in France, we decided to have a closer look at the Mont Blanc… so we went all the way to Chamonix, then queued to get some cable car tickets, and then had to wait for 3,5 hours for our cable car (so we had one of the most expensive beer ever, on a terrasse in Chamonix).

We eventually made it to the top of the Aiguille du Midi, 3842m. It was freezing up there, the wind was so cold!

We stayed up there for 3 hours and hung around in every corridor/platform/staircase… and took hundreds of pictures!

We tried this new thing that is the “Step in the void”, a glass cage hanging in the air on the side of the building… pretty scary… It wasn’t that easy to step in it!

Then we went down to Plan de l’aiguille and started the hike to the Mer de glace (Glacier), under the amazing chain of mountains.

For more pictures, like usually, follow this link here!
Here is the trip we did:
You can get the gps track HERE.
puisqu’on parlait cet après-midi du nom des aiguilles sous lesquelles vous êtes passés dans votre traversée du Plan de l’Aiguille au Signal de Forbes, on commence par l’Aiguille du Plan, du Pèlerin, de Blaitière, du Grépon, des Grands Charmoz et bien d’autres encore. Tant de terrains de jeux mythiques inaccessibles pour la plupart d’entre nous mais dont nous pouvons au moins admirer la splendeur. Notre petite balade aujourd’hui aux lacs des Tempêtes semble bien modeste mais tout de même bien belle aussi.