As most of people know, since I am back from New Zealand (in 2 weeks it’s gonna be 3 years!!), I want to go there again. Well, eventually, I managed to organize this trip!
For the ones who don’t know or forgot the date: The flight is leaving from Germany on the 1rst of December!
I am going on this adventure with Alex, and here are our flights details:

We are having a break in between flights, to get some rest and also to discover another place… Taipei (Taiwan) for a few days!
And then, we will be arriving to Auckland on Saturday the 6th of December in the evening.
We will spend few weeks at the famous Warkworth lodge to do help-exchange during summer holiday…
As you probably already know (or you can at least see it on the ticket): it is a one way ticket. There is no plan on coming back yet. Without any visa in New Zealand, we will stay 3 months as tourists and then we should fly to Australia for 3 months without a visa neither.
Then, we will see! The global plan is: “No plan” !
J’espère en tout cas que ta halte en Haute-Savoie t’auras permis de te poser et reposer un peu et que tu auras pris plaisir à partager avec moi nos quelques balades en montagne à la redécouverte de nos massifs. Et maintenant, la suite de tes aventures va de nouveau animer nos messageries, allez, au boulot!