Pretending that Summer is still here…

With a group of friends, we decided to pretend that Summer is not ending.

So we went on Kuuskajaskari-polku, an old military island for a pic-nic, and a bit of swimming and stupid pictures 🙂

Swimming !
hands up ! 😉
Old military installations
view from one tower, islands and sea… and sun !!!
From the pic nic place… nice and quiet !
The pic nic team !

I know there is more picture than text in this article, and in the last ones as well, but you can understand with this pictures that I have a good time in the week ends !!

And actually, this week the weather stayed mostly really good, 23 degrees, sun, not windy… nice and perfect summer for here ! But I have been told that it is pretty exceptional, it is above 20 degrees, more than one week in a row ! And specially in August here 🙂

But I won’t complain, (even if my name has been “complaining girl” for a while, I am getting better) it is summer !!!!

One thought on “Pretending that Summer is still here…

  1. Je suis la première, je suis la première !!! On pourrait dire qu’il y a toujours mieux ailleurs : nous échangerions bien nos 34° contre tes 20°, il est vrai, mais nous allons nous contenter de nous réjouir pour ces découvertes et sensations plaisantes : douceur de l’été finnois, belles vues, et compagnie. Merci, toujours, pour le partage !
    Ne pas confondre réalisme et “se plaindre”… il y a parfois des observations bonnes à faire mais… tt serait-il ds la “comm” ?
    Bisous et barbotes bien encore cette fin de semaine, froginette !

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