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Summer, not really, but Summer time, for sure !!!
On the forecast, they show the length of the day :
It is pretty long days, the sun is up from 3:59 to 23:14… No more nights !! (to see the picture better, you can click on it !)

That is why now, we can have some pictures in the middle of the “night”, which look like that :
Now the game is : pink in the sky from the evening or from the morning ??
But one thing is sure, it is easy to go home after being at friends place on Saturday night !!
Voilà un adjectif qualificatif qui sonne sympatiquement, je me demande pourquoi !
haha oui elle est bonne celle-là !! je n’y avait même pas pensé !!
C’est pasque t’as les neurones tous refroidis par le climat polaire. Même Firmin y a pensé 🙂