Finland was not that perfect summer weather, so I wanted to find a real summer, warm and sunny… so I went to Germany for one week ! Not the best choice for the weather… rain, rain, rain and rain 🙂
But I have seen interesting stuff !
It was weird because I am pretty much interested with parks, forests, wild… and Essen is in the middle of other cities in the Ruhrarea… not that wild !! But not too bad as well, they have small parks and trees between the houses and buildings 😀
The funniest thing for me was to see how crazy the people are about soccer ! Every single house or building had at least one Black-Red-Gold Flag… almost all cars had signs, stickers, flags, mirror covers… There was so much everywhere that I forgot to take a picture…
I had the “chance” to watch the soccer game against… (an other team of the European championship)… and to drink a lot of beers to forget what I was doing there enjoy the victory with a lot of Germans around 🙂
Enough about soccer (you know it is my passion)…
Germans are known for eating weird breakfast… I like discovering new stuffs, I am quite open-minded about breakfast usually (bread, jam, cakes, croissants, bacon, eggs, cheese… whatever !) except for : proper meat, beers and beans … these are the stuff I really can’t start my day with.
But I had to try something… the name is Mett : raw minced meat… on bread, and on the top slices of onions and pepper… Â after a piece of bread with jam, I was able to eat it, but not too much… and with a lot of onions and pepper to hide the taste of the raw meat… but I did it !

And look at that how they are crazy with the Mett : click here ! They make some hedgehog… :-/
We have been to the “Tiger & Turtle”, it is a roller-coaster sculpture in Duisburg :

We have been to the gasometer in Oberhausen, one exhibition about pictures from all over the world, it was pretty beautiful, we found out that we have already been in some places, and that we want to go to some others and the places we are going to go !

There was a big tree inside the gasometer, weird !

In the plane , I have seen Pacman !!! Â if you don’t believe me, look at one of this island, it looks exactly like Pacman ! Can you see it ?

It was 2 beautiful flights between Sweden and Finland, all the islands look beautiful…

Back home in Finland, with few drinks in my backpack of course :

et nous qui rêvons d’un peu de fraîcheur…Décidément, entre les trombes d’eau que tu as essuyées en Australie et en NZ, tu persistes en Finlande et en Allemagne? serait-tu une curiosité climatique à toi toute seule? En Patagonie aussi tu risques d’avoir une météo peu clémente, mais c’est vrai qu’il est bien beau, ce glacier. Il m’a l’air plus impressionnant que notre petite Mer de Glace qui fond à vue d’oeil, quoique, lorsqu’on grimpe à la Jonction des glaciers des Bossons et de Taconnaz, on a un petit coup au coeur devant ces masses de glace bleue.